Julian Keel - Chiropractor
BSc DC MCC (Doctor of Chiropractic)

Julian joined the Mortiboys team in 2010 and brings with him a wealth of chiropractic and cranial experience.
Having moved out of London where he still runs a busy practice, we met Julian when he was looking for a family dentist and we soon realised that our work in the TMJ and cranial field should come together.
Julian qualified in chiropractic in 1994 and after furthering his knowledge in clinical nutrition, A.K (applied kinesiology), S.O.T (sacro-occipital technique), N.O.T (neurological organisation technique) and Kinesio-taping he has been involved with top level sports people including F1 Racing Drivers, a Wimbledon Tennis Champion and Olympic Athletes and Rowers. He had the enviable task of travelling the world for four years with the Williams F1 team, looking after their drivers and crew at all the races.
Since marrying and starting a family, Julian's interest in the care of babies, children and pregnant mums led him to carry out further post-graduate studies in cranial therapy, paediatrics and pregnancy to expand the breadth of service he happily provides to all ages.
To book please click on https://barnes-chiro.janeapp.co.uk/